
Frequently Asked Questions

I have one sided skin on my private part larger than other side since birth . Is it normal or abnormal ? I feel very embarrassed and shy about sexual exposure due to it . Can it be corrected?
I have dark patches on my private parts, I don’t like it, my husband does not like it. Is there any solutions?
I am happily married woman since 15 years, having satisfied sex life with my husband. I feel like masturbating occasionally and enjoy doing it. Is something abnormal?
I feel dryness in vagina especially during love making ???
Do you have painful love making ?? Is it bothering you?
Does itching over intimate area bothers you? Do you feel ashamed? Do you avoid visiting social functions for that reason?
I feel shy to have dark skin on private parts and that affects my self esteem, sexual pleasure. Can that be changed?
We, as couple enjoy mutual masturbation since a few months. The downside of it is severe urinary burning for me. My husband does not have any complaint . How do I get rid of it?
I get skin irritation on and off after pubic hair removal. Is there any better option?
Is it true that men have higher sexual drive than women? Why? Sometimes I get sexually aroused when am in state of fear. I can not share this with anyone. To whom do I talk?